
A creative person going through a creative process. Rambling artistically is the aim

Two Cents: Tampon Tax.

Posted on: Thursday, 29 October 2015

Source, an anonymous friend on Facebook 

I don't need to go into detail about this, but what a load of shit the tampon tax is. I saw this facebook status today and it made me laugh out loud and sums up the situation perfectly. There have been occasions where my lack of hair pruning has been embarrassing que sleeveless tops and summery days when the up keep is tedious and you can't be fucked until you are sitting in the sunshine with a group of people and you suddenly realise that your leg hair is obvious to everyone around.  But I think most girls can vouch for the fact that you spend the majority of your period constantly paranoid that you have "leaked" or dread the times when you to have to awkwardly ask every female at work etc if they have a spare tampon.

To say tampons and sanitary items are a luxury is an insult to women. We are happy to go hairy for a bit longer than probably necessary because lets face it how often are people getting close enough to see, that's when tights come in handy! But do you know what it's like to feel like your ovaries are attacking you to then find out that you don't have a spare tampon or sanitary product?! That's not what I call living the life of luxury!


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